Yesterday Oct 15, I traded on Zerodha for the first time. My first impression was of a total surprise. I was overwhelmed by the speed of execution of order and the ease of execution. I got carried away and ended up putting on 20 trades. most of them profitable but not worth the effort. All these trades were done in 36 minutes. One thing that I did learn was what the brokerage is charged on Zerodha.
The brokerage is split into 6 parts
The brokerage is split into 6 parts
- Turnover charges
- Stamp charges
- Service tax
- Sebi charges
- Total brokerage
To to give numbers to the variables as per yesterdays trades
- Number of trades - 20
- Quantity bought - 800
- Quantity sold - 800
- Gross total - 189317.5
- Turnover charges - 149.56
- Stamp charges - 11.36
- Service tax - 67.93
- STT - 16
- Sebi charges - 0.19
- Total brokerage - 400
The total brokerage is simple Number of trades multiplied by 20.
The rest seem to be function of Gross total. The sum of rest of the charges as a percentage of gross total is 0.129%
Hope these numbers are useful for estimating the profitability. Any comment on how to exactly get the values are welcome.
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